It is with an extremely heavy heart that I tell you that our Brother Knight and Worth District Deputy SK Troy Scheffman perished in a home fire last night. Troy’s wife was out of town and his children escaped the blaze. I was told that Troy had escaped but returned to the burning house to rescue others. The home and all aspects of the dwelling were destroyed as well. Please keep our brother and the Scheffman family in your prayers. I will advise arrangements as they are known.
Please keep Charlotte Modrzynski, daughter of Craig and Barbara Modrzynski, in your thoughts and prayers. She broke her leg this morning when she slipped on the ice in her driveway on her way to work in Fryeburg, Maine. She is currently in a splint waiting for the swelling to go down before getting surgery for a compound fracture sometime in the very near future. She lives alone with her two dogs and could use all the good thoughts, vibes, prayers and best wishes you can send her. Her father, Craig, is the Diocesan Deputy for Fort Worth and Charlotte is his beloved daughter.
FDD Fred has been diagnosed with terminal Cancer. He only ask for prayers for the precious time he has left. FDD Fred will be 90 in May. David Zeigler, Star Council Director
Please pray for Raymond R Sanchez, father of our worthy Deputy Grand Knight, Ramiro Sanchez. Raymond was placed under hospice care yesterday. Please keep the entire Sanchez family in your prayers as they navigate this difficult time.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Gary Newell Acrey, PGK 9868. Many of you will remember Penny and Gary Acrey, long-time members of the Couples Group and the Better Together Group until Gary’s health declined. Gary was also a past member of the Knights of Columbus. Gary passed away Friday, February 28 after a long battle with progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Visitation will be at Laurel Land Funeral Home in Fort Worth on Thursday 3/6/25 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Funeral Mass will be held on Friday 3/7/25 at 10:00 am, at Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church followed by a luncheon in the Parish Hall. Graveside service will be at 2:30 pm at Laurel Land Cemetery in Fort Worth, Texas. Please remember the entire family in your prayers.
Please pray for the Repose of the Soul of Brother Knight Mason Yancy of Council 9299 Arlington who died of a Diabetic Seizure at the age of 31 on December 27, 2024
Pray for Louie Martinez, PGK, PFN, FDD, El Paso. Brother Louie is home recuperating from a procedure performed earlier this week.
Dan’s sister was called home today, please pray for her family and friends.
Please pray for the brother Joe Messina in his battle with cancer
Please pray for the recovery of this founding Grand Knight of our council
Dear Brothers: Prayers are requested for Kevin Jessup, father of Sheldon. Brother Sheldon Jessup is a member of Saint Patrick Council 16778 in El Paso. His Dad is seriously ill with cancer. Vivat Jesus! Bill Hegeman KC 16041
Please pray for a successful surgery for Dr Dean Hansen State Star Council Committeeman on Feb 12th. Doc will undergo Rt hip total replacement .
Former longtime Chaplain of Fr. William Brooks Council 5145 in Nederland has entered hospice. Please lift him and his family up in prayer.
Our brother, SK Joe Rodriguez, passed away after a brief illness, on Saturday, February 1,2025. Please keep his widow, Gloria, in your prayers for strength she will need at this time and into the future. If you are available to attend his services. His services are as follows: Sunday 2/16/25 4-8pm Family & Friends will be received @ Castle Ridge Mortuary Main Chapel 10901 W Loop 1604 North San Antonio, Tx 78254 5:30pm KofC - Special Presentation. 6:00pm Rosary Monday 2/17/25 11am Funeral mass. Location: St. Anthony Mary Claret 6150 Roft Rd San Antonio, Tx 78253. Internment: Monday 2/17/25 12:45 Location: Mission Burial Park South 1700 SE Military Dr San Antonio, Tx 78214 May our brother and friend rest in the love and peace of our saviors arms. Joe was a Catholic man that served his church, country, family & fellow man with his every move! Until we are together, again you live in my heart. YBIC, Pat
Please pray for healing for Allison, daughter of Karen Trochta, the Celebration Correspondent for the Texas State Council, who will be having Colon surgery on Wednesday, Feb 5, in Sugerland. She was diagnosed with Colon Cancer a few days before Christmas. Let's pray that the Surgeon's hands are guided by the Holy Spirit and a complete healing is given to her.
PLease Pray for the Repose of the Soul of SK Joe Rodriguez, who passed away on Saturday, February 1st, at 3:59 pm. Funeral Arrangement are pending at this time. Eternal Rest Grant unto Him O Lord, and Let the Perpetual Light Shine upon Him, My He Rest in Peace, May His Soul and the Souls of All the Faithfully Departed Brother Knights Rest in Peace !
Update on Harry Isenberger of Council 4307, Blessing. Harry came home from the hospital on friday, Jan 31, fully recovered. He wasn't given a reason for his stroke, but by the Grace of God, had no lasting effects. He has gone back to work ! Thank You Jesus for your Healing powers !d God is Good !