Evangelization and Faith Formation

Gregory Brown, State Director

Blessed McGivney began the Knights of Columbus with the mission to “form its members in Catholic faith and virtue” and “to unite members in their Catholic identity and the practice of their Catholic faith” (Section 2, Charter Constitution and Laws of the Knights of Columbus). His zeal for the salvation of souls was a driving force in his life and ministry. Today, Catholic men are called to renew Blessed Fr. McGivney's vision, making Jesus Christ the source and summit of all that we do, ensuring our faith permeates all aspects of council life and membership engagement.

Men today seek faith-centered content and fraternity to help them grow in faith and become better Catholic men, husbands, and fathers. We believe that this goal is accomplished through prayer, formation, and fraternity.

EFF Initiative: Encounter, Strengthen, and Commission

Under Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly, the Knights of Columbus have begun a comprehensive Evangelization and Faith Formation (EFF) initiative with three core components:

  • Encounter: A life of faith begins with an encounter with Jesus Christ, leading us to repentance and reorientation through His immense love.
  • Strengthen: We deepen our relationship with God through personal prayer, studying our Catholic faith, and sharing in fraternal brotherhood.
  • Commission: We respond to Christ's call (Mark 16:14-16, Matthew 28:18-20) to be disciples who share Jesus Christ with others.

COR: Heart of the Knights of Columbus

COR (Latin for "heart") is the foundation of EFF and represents courage. At the heart of every Knight is a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, an invitation to seek holiness through Baptism and daily prayer, and a commitment to building the Kingdom of God. COR is a ministry for men to encounter Christ, strive to be Christ-like, strengthen brotherhood, and prepare for evangelization.

COR Essentials

  • Prayer: A reciprocal relationship between God and man, where we encounter the Creator.
  • Formation: A lifelong journey to become more like Christ through knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith.
  • Fraternity: Sharing a common mission, faith, and brotherhood.

COR is not a program but a ministry for parish men, led monthly by a brother Knight or the council EFF Director, open to all men for prayer, formation, and fraternity.

Support from the Texas State Council EFF Team

The Texas State Council EFF team supports Diocesan EFF Coordinators, District Deputies, Grand Knights, Council Chaplains, and EFF Directors in forming men in Catholic faith and virtue. We integrate Evangelization and Faith Formation opportunities into State Council initiatives and strategic planning. Our team is here to help councils begin COR and support parish men in growing their faith and relationship with Jesus Christ.

With gratitude,

Gregory Brown
Texas State Council Knights of Columbus
Evangelization and Faith Formation Director

Texas State Council EFF Committeemen

  • John Danley: El Paso, San Angelo, Lubbock, Amarillo
  • John Plote: Dallas, Fort Worth, Tyler, Beaumont
  • Jose Ramos: Laredo, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, San Antonio
  • Will Britten: Austin, Galveston-Houston, Victoria

Our Promises as Knights of Columbus

  1. To help all men grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
  2. To provide opportunities for men to serve Christ in His Church, including as missionary disciples.
  3. To provide opportunities for men to serve those most in need in their communities and around the world in the name of Christ Jesus.
  4. To offer protection and aid to widows and orphans through our insurance arm.

Vivat Jesus!