State Council Charities

Joe Jacobo, State Director

Our State Council theme, “Follow Me,” resonates strongly. Our Bishops and Priests need the Knights of Columbus now more than ever! The first principle of our Order is Charity, which forms the foundation of all our work. Charity is at the heart of our faith, supporting countless projects and making a tangible difference. This is our path, and our faith leads the way.

This fraternal year, each Knight is called to embrace the true spirit of charity, fulfilling our duty to God, our neighbors, and ourselves. Through fraternity, we grow together in friendship with the Lord, cultivated by our practice of charity. Membership in the Order provides diverse opportunities for men and their families to deepen their faith and serve those in need.

Whether through financial gifts or service, Knights continue their steadfast support within communities through initiatives such as the American Wheelchair Mission, Bishop Thomas J. Flanagan Fund, Cardinal Medeiros Fund, Disaster Response, Educational Grants, Special Olympics, Thanksgiving Masses, and more. Our faith in God compels us to action, calling us to Christ and His call to “Follow Me.”

Charity Fundraising Team

Josh Gomez, Chairman

The Charity Fundraising Team, led by Josh Gomez, collaborates with Brother Knights, Councils, Districts, and Dioceses to inspire contributions to State Council Charities.

Fundraising Committeemen

  • Bob Schmidt
  • Thomas Oaks
  • Mario Mallari

Josh and his team emphasize that, while Charity begins at home, it must not end there. True to Fr. McGivney's vision, Charity transcends local boundaries. When united with our founding principles of Unity and Fraternity, we realize our full potential to help those in need, wherever they may be.

Charity Goals and Awards

Your Council has an opportunity each year to earn awards by meeting its State Council Charity goal, which is based on a $10.00 contribution per regular member as of July 1, 2024. Each Council’s Bishop receives 70% of their charity contribution, with the remaining 30% used for statewide charitable purposes. Councils exceeding their goal will have 100% of additional contributions returned to their Bishop.

Make checks payable to “State Council Charities” and include the Council Number on the check. Send payments to:

State Council Charities Knights of Columbus
6633 Hwy 290 East, Suite 204
Austin, Texas 78723-1157

Alternatively, pay online at the Texas State Website by clicking “Pay Charity Goal” on the right of the homepage.

Bishops’ Designation for Charity Funds

  • Bishop Patrick J. Zurek – Amarillo: Secondary Catholic Education
  • Bishop Joe S. Vasquez – Austin: Catholic Schools
  • Bishop David L. Toups – Beaumont: Seminarian Fund
  • Bishop Daniel E. Flores – Brownsville: Deaf Ministry/Disabled Program
  • Bishop William Michael Mulvey – Corpus Christi: Farm of Hope (Fazenda da Esperança)
  • Bishop Edward J. Burns – Dallas: Persons with Disabilities and Deaf Ministries
  • Bishop Mark J. Seitz – El Paso: Vocations
  • Bishop Michael F. Olson – Fort Worth: Deaf Ministry and Seminarian Support
  • Daniel Cardinal DiNardo – Galveston/Houston: Retired Priests Pension Funds
  • Bishop James A. Tamayo – Laredo: Evangelization/Outreach Charity & Seminarian Support
  • Bishop Robert M. Coerver – Lubbock: Vocations/Seminarian Support
  • Bishop Michael J. Sis – San Angelo: Seminarian Education
  • Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller – San Antonio: Propaedeutic Program at Assumption Seminary
  • Tyler Diocese – Seminarian Education & Training
  • Bishop Brendan Cahill – Victoria: Continuing Education for Priests, Extension of Lay Ministry, and Evangelization

Bishop Thomas J. Flanagan Fund - Grants for Retired Priests

Dan Stoffel, Chairman

This fund, named in honor of the late Bishop Thomas J. Flanagan, supports the care of retired priests. Contributions to this fund ensure support for those who have faithfully served us.

Contribute through the Texas Knights of Columbus license plate program. An additional $30.00 fee with your registration supports this fund, with $22.00 returned to the State Council Charities for the Flanagan Fund. To order a license plate, visit

Alternatively, make a direct contribution on the Fundraising Page of the Texas State Council website. Contributions of $30.00 or more receive a custom, chromed license plate frame as a thank-you.

Cardinal Medeiros Fund

Leo Saenz Jr., Chairman

Established in 1981, the Cardinal Medeiros Trust Fund provides educational grants. Donations increase the fund’s principal, generating additional grants.

How to Become a Cardinal Medeiros Fellow

With a $1,000 contribution, a Knight or their spouse may be honored as a Cardinal Medeiros Fellow. The honoree receives a plaque, lapel pin, and is listed on the Honor Roll at the State Council Office. To become a Fellow or Sustaining Member (starting at $100), visit the Texas State Council website.

Star Guide