Texas Special Olympics
The mission of Special Olympics Texas is to provide year round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. These activities give them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community.
Special Olympics Texas could not have been created and would not exist today without the time, energy, and the dedication of thousands of volunteers. Over 38,000 volunteers dedicate their time helping athletes with intellectual disabilities achieve their dreams. We as volunteers take an oath: “I promise to give the time of my life, so that Special Olympics Athletes can have the time of their life. I promise to support Special Olympics not just as an expression of charity, but as a form of respect for my fellow human beings. I promise to spread the word of volunteerism because in giving, I receive so much more in return.”
Partnership with Special Olympics (Form 10784)
EVERY Council should fill out a Form 10784, reporting Partnership Activities with Special Olympics, which details your Council’s involvement - events attended, dollar contributions and manpower hours devoted to various Special Olympics competitions. Those Councils who participate in State Council Charities may report 2.5% of the Councils State Charities donated amount. The report is to be submitted whether a Council was actively involved in Special Olympics or not. We need every council to submit this report. These reports are due January 31 of each fraternal year to Supreme. Please also send a copy your council’s completed Form 10784 to Texas State Council Office at forms@tkofc.org. Fill out the form here.
Charles "Chic" O'Connor Award
Chic (Oct. 9, 1919 - April 22, 2010) was a proud member of the Knights since 1943. He was very instrumental in starting Special Olympics in Gregg County (Longview). He became involved because of his daughter Monica. The O’Conner family has done everything from being Timers, Huggers, Chaperones and Pizza Providers for the entire Gregg County Delegation and Area events. The Texas State Council approved the Charles ‘Chic’ O’Conner Annual Memorial Award in his honor. This award will recognize a Brother Knight for his exemplary contributions in supporting Special Olympics Texas. Criteria includes Leadership, Volunteering, Fundraising and Community Involvement. Deadline for the submission of this form is January 31, each fraternal year.
You can find the form here. Nomination forms can be e-mailed to Joe Jacobo at JoeJacoboKofC@yahoo.com. We will have Special Olympic lapel pins available for purchase this year! This will be a limited edition and additional details will be forthcoming!
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