Culture of Life
Tom Clark, Chairman
Congratulations on 21 years of celebrating and supporting the Culture of Life!
2003 Woman’s Right to Know Act
This bill requires the physician providing an abortion to discuss specific medical risks and sources of support with the patient. It also gives the patient the right to review informational materials published by the state on these topics.
This is a call to all Knights to help create a Culture of Life in Texas and to rid ourselves of the culture of death. We do this through prayer, civic action, organizing and participating in Pro-Life events, and donations to Pro-Life ministries such as pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes throughout the state. Feel free to contact me or anyone on my committee for assistance. We are here to serve you and to continue making Texas the most Pro-Life state in the country.
The ACE Wings
The ACE in ACE Wings stands for: Pro-Life without Apology, without Compromise, without Exception. To earn the ACE Wings, a Knight must participate in five public Pro-Life events. A guide to these events can be found on the ACE Wing form located online at Only certain events can be repeated, as outlined on the form.
This year’s premium event is the Texas Rally for Life held in January in Austin, which will count for three of the five events needed to earn the ACE Wings.
In the past, the ACE Wings were often thought of as an award. Please never refer to them as an award — each set of ACE Wings represents a child lost to abortion, and you cannot “win” this. Refer to them simply as “ACE Wings” and wear them often, not just to KofC meetings.
It takes a real man, a brave Knight, to earn and wear the ACE Wings!
These wings should be treated with the same respect as a blessed object, as they are sent to you blessed. A guide for wearing the ACE Wings will soon be distributed to your Diocesan Pro-Life Chairman, who will share it with the rest of the Diocese.
Silver ACE Wings (Established 2003)
The Silver ACE Wings are a foundation through which Texas Knights show that the lives of aborted children would have mattered. A Knight who completes five public Pro-Life events submits his paperwork to the State Culture of Life Chairman for consideration. If a Knight earns the ACE Wings, he may choose to purchase a set for his wife and children (children must be 10 years or older). The cost for each additional set of wings is $7.
Special Forces ACE Wings (SFAW) (Established 2017)
The SFAW is black with gold precious feet in the center. These are presented to Knights in a Council who are often on the front lines defending the preborn. These are the men a Council calls upon when a Pro-Life event needs to be staffed, when volunteers are needed for 40 Days for Life, when Marshals are needed to protect Marchers at the Texas Rally for Life, or any of the March for Life events held across the state.
How to Obtain the SFAW: The Grand Knight, in cooperation with the Council Pro Life Chairman, may select up to 10 members per year to receive the SFAW. The Council will submit a form to the State Culture of Life Chairman for consideration. The cost of each wing is $5 (including shipping) and must be paid in advance. The Knight must have already earned his Silver ACE Wings.
Spouses may also receive the SFAW if the Knight so elects ($5 cost). Children of Knights and Squires are NOT eligible for the SFAW, but they may receive the Silver ACE Wings if the Knight so elects (still $7 each).
Gold ACE Wings (Established 2013)
The Gold ACE Wings recognize Knights (Knights only, with special consideration for non-Knights in unique cases, e.g., Abby Johnson) whose enduring love for the preborn has saved lives and supported Pro-Life ministries. Gold ACE Wings are awarded to Knights who have been recognized for outstanding Pro-Life efforts year after year by the Diocesan Deputy in each of the 15 Texas Dioceses. Each Deputy may present Gold ACE Wings to up to two Knights and their spouses annually. The Gold ACE Wings can only be earned once. The form is available at