Wheelchair Program
Program Overview
The Knights of Columbus, in partnership with the American Wheelchair Mission, raises funds to purchase and distribute wheelchairs worldwide, including within the USA. Over 100 million people worldwide need a wheelchair but cannot afford one, and each wheelchair delivered positively impacts an average of 10 lives. This year, each Council is encouraged to donate $150 for one wheelchair, with this amount reflected as a line item in the Council’s budget. Grand Knights should regularly include the wheelchair ministry on monthly Council meeting agendas.
Donation Instructions
Make checks payable to American Wheelchair Mission and mail to:
American Wheelchair Mission, Attn: Dan Moberg
2600 E. Solstice Way, Suite A172, Post Falls, ID 83854-7991
For online donations, visit https://amwheelchair.org/donate and select “Knights of Columbus” in the Campaign field. Enter your Council Number in the Organization/Council field.
Hosting a Wheelchair Sunday
- Obtain approval from your Pastor to hold a Wheelchair Sunday, allowing a 2-3 minute pulpit talk or video presentation at all Masses. If not approved, you can still conduct the event.
- Schedule 1-2 weekends for Wheelchair Sunday, avoiding conflicts with other parish fundraisers.
- Request a sample pulpit talk and donation envelopes from the Wheelchair Chairman or Assistant Chairman.
- Advertise the event up to 6 weeks in advance through all parish media, including instructions for online donations.
- Prepare materials: display wheelchair, Certificate of Thanks, donation envelopes, newsletters, DVDs, pins, display board, pens, clipboards, baskets, and Our Lady of Guadalupe lithographs for $500+ donations.
Event Day
- Set up at least one table in the narthex or outside, as permitted by the Pastor.
- Deliver the pulpit talk or play the video at all Masses.
- After each Mass, staff all exits to collect donations and distribute donation envelopes.
- Checks should be made payable to American Wheelchair Mission.
- Parishioners should complete a donation envelope if they want a Certificate of Thanks ($150+ donation), a lithograph ($500+ donation), or are donating via credit card.
- Use credit card readers to direct funds to the American Wheelchair Mission.
- Mark “Took OLG” on envelopes if a lithograph is given; limit one lithograph per donor.
After the Event
- For loose cash, write a Council check for the total amount collected.
- For cash donations in envelopes, mark “Cash” at the top of each envelope, then either write a personal check for the total or include it in the Council check.
- Mail all checks and envelopes to:
American Wheelchair Mission, Attn: Dan Moberg
2600 East Seltice Way, Suite A172, Post Falls, ID 83854-7991 via FedEx (a FedEx Number can be provided).
- Wheelchairs are shipped in small containers (cost: $16,500 for 110 wheelchairs) and large containers (cost: $42,000 for 280 wheelchairs). Only large containers ship internationally. The American Wheelchair Mission handles all procurement and shipment arrangements.
If an organization raises enough funds for a container, they may choose the distribution location. Volunteers may participate in distributions at their own expense.
Additional Benefits
Hosting a Wheelchair Sunday raises funds and provides an opportunity to recruit new members, highlighting the principle of Charity. If hosting a Wheelchair Sunday is not feasible, Grand Knights are encouraged to promote a Council donation of at least $150 for one wheelchair.