Cardinal Medeiros Fund
The Cardinal Medeiros Fellow program was started in 1998 as a means to promote contributions to the Trust fund and increase the principal, thus allowing us to earn more interest. The increase in interest income will allow us to provide additional educational grants. With a contribution of $1000, the Honoree is awarded a plaque and a lapel pin and his/her name is engraved on the honor roll at the state office and displayed at the annual State convention.
In 2006, the Cardinal Medeiros Sustaining Member was established. This allows for greater participation since the entry level is $100.00. An attractive lapel pin designates the contributor as a Sustaining Member. It is hoped that every Knight will consider participating with the ultimate goal of becoming a Cardinal Medeiros Fellow. It should be emphasized that this honor is not just for the higher ranking individuals or clergy, but allows and encourages everyone to participate in the endowment fund. Spouses and other family members can also become a Cardinal Medeiros Fellow or a Sustaining Member. What a great tribute to a long lasting marriage or other special occasions! It truly is the gift that keeps on giving. This can also be used to recognize a deceased Brother Knight or a Brother Knight’s family member.
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