Star Council
David Zeigler, State Director
Star Council Team Members
- David Zeigler (Laura) – Director
Districts: 1-11 & 231-239
- Brad Meyer (Ruth) – Star Tracker Chairman
- Robert Landry (Missie) – Committeeman
- Oscar Gendrop (Maria) – Committeeman
Districts: 34-63; 131-139; & 218
- Dan Rangel (Sylvia) – Committeeman
Districts: 141-152; 241-247; & 206-216
- Dr. Dean Hansen (Edee) – Committeeman
Districts: 14-32; 103-118; & 196-201
- David Keating (Linda) – Committeeman
Districts: 121-127; 166-180; 186-193; 221-230; & 219
Star Council Award
The Star Council Award is the highest Supreme Award for councils, recognizing outstanding achievement in membership, insurance, safe environment, and service program activities. This award indicates a council’s success in membership growth, focus on insurance programs, Safe Environment compliance, and commitment to Faith, Family, Community, and Life programs.
Requirements for the Star Council Award
- Father McGivney Award for Membership Growth: Meet quota by June 30 (6% growth; min 5, max 15). Supreme Council automatically determines eligibility.
- Founder’s Award for Insurance Growth: Conduct at least two Fraternal Benefits Events (FBEs) with minimum attendance requirements. Submit Form #11077 within seven days of each event: Fraternal Benefits Event Report.
- Columbian Award for Faith in Action Programs: Submit Form SP-7 by June 30, documenting at least four programs in Faith, Family, Community, and Life: Columbian Award Application.
- Required Forms: Submit Service Program Personnel Report (Form 365) by July 1 and Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (Form 1728) by January 31.
Forward confirmation PDFs to
- Safe Environment Compliance: Ensure required training and background checks for specified council positions, completed within 30 days. Positions include:
- Grand Knight
- Program Director
- Family Director (background check required)
- Community Director (background check required)
- Columbian Squires Counselors (if applicable)
Refer to Safe Environment Program for more information.
- Supreme Assessments: Ensure payments are up-to-date twice a year (October 10 and April 10 based on July 1 and December 31 rosters).
Star District Award
District Deputies who excel in membership and program goals may earn the Star District Award by meeting the following criteria:
- Meet 70% of the District Membership goal.
- Have 50% of councils achieve the Founder’s Award.
- Submit Form 944 for each council by September 15.
- Have at least one council in the district earn Star Council.
Lone Star Awards
Texas offers additional awards for excellence beyond Star Council:
- Lone Star Award for Excellence: Meet Star Council criteria, submit Form 185 by July 1, pay State Per Capita by March 1, meet State Charity Goal by June 30, and have at least one delegate at the State Convention.
- Lone Star Award for Excellence with Distinction: Meet Star Council criteria with additional requirements, such as safe environment compliance, participating in an FBE, and submitting Special Olympics Form 10784 by January 31.
Star Tracker Report
A Star Tracker Report is updated bi-monthly to monitor each council's progress toward Star Council and Lone Star Awards, available in Excel and PDF formats to Diocesan and District Deputies via Constant Contact.
2024-2025 Goals
Each diocese has a goal to have 25% of their councils achieve Star Council. District Deputies are encouraged to strive for one Star Council per district.
Goals by Archdiocese/Diocese
- Amarillo: 24 active councils – Goal: 7
- Austin: 95 active councils – Goal: 24
- Beaumont: 29 active councils – Goal: 8
- Brownsville: 52 active councils – Goal: 13
- Corpus Christi: 52 active councils – Goal: 13
- Dallas: 61 active councils – Goal: 15
- El Paso: 39 active councils – Goal: 10
- Fort Worth: 69 active councils – Goal: 17
- Galveston-Houston: 134 active councils – Goal: 33
- Laredo: 27 active councils – Goal: 7
- Lubbock: 26 active councils – Goal: 7
- San Angelo: 36 active councils – Goal: 10
- San Antonio: 105 active councils – Goal: 26
- Tyler: 30 active councils – Goal: 9
- Victoria: 32 active councils – Goal: 9
- Total: 811 active councils – Minimum Goal: 208
Submission of Forms
Submit Report of Officers (Form 185), Service Program Personnel Report (Form 365), Survey of Fraternal Activity (Form 1728), and Columbian Award (Form SP-7) via Officers Online or email:
Awards and Incentives
- District Deputy Incentive: $250 gift card drawing for timely submission of all Council Form 185 and Form 365 at the Organizational Meeting.
- 1st Star Council in Texas: $100 gift card drawing for Grand Knights of councils pre-qualifying by April 15, 2025.
- Texas Circle of Honor Award: Recognition for Diocesan Deputies meeting Star Council goals (25% of councils).