Texas State Council News

Deadline To Apply For Education Grant Nears

Created: Jan 30, 2025
Category: General News

Worthies and Brother Knights,

The Deadline for submitting the State Educational Grant Applications is fast approaching. Please encourage the graduating students and college students in your area and parishes to apply for this need-based grant.
There will be anywhere from 2 to 4 students per Diocese who will be awarded these grants depending on the size of your Diocese and the number of Knights who are in your Diocese.
The deadline for submitting an application is March 1st so please make sure to get the word out.
We had a record number of applicants last year from all 15 of our Dioceses in Texas. So, let's get the word out and have an even better turn out this year.

Thank you for all you do and God Bless.

Leo Saenz Jr.
State Educational Committee Chairman

Ken Orze
Asst. State Educational Committee Chairman

State Education Grant Application