Council News

Silver Rose Transfer

Created: Dec 27, 2024
Category: General News

 Back in early December, Knights from across Texas, including Clergy, State Officers, 4th Degree Sir Knights and Knights on Bikes participated in the Silver Rose Transfer at the International Bridge in Laredo, TX. I haven't yet been to this event, but hope to in the near future.
 You may recall, our Supreme Master, Michael McCusker, visited our Mid-Year Meeting in December. At that point, he had not been to the Silver Rose Transfer, but this year he made the journey to Laredo. And in his words, the experience was "Providential!"
 Following is an excerpt from his "Supreme Master's Messge" from the December issue of The Catholic Patriot. It is definitely worth taking a look at!Supreme Master w/ State Officers

Many things in life are providential whether or not we realize it in the moment. I thought about that the past few days while in Laredo, Texas for the Silver Rose exchange with Mexico. In 2009, as I was rising through the chairs in Council 9317 in Cordova, Tennessee, the State Program Director asked me if I would be willing to serve as the State Church Director. It seemed like one more thing on an already full plate, but after some reflection and prayer, I said “Yes.”

I immediately discovered that a program called the Silver Rose was quickly approaching, and it was my job to plan the route through Tennessee, making it available to councils and assemblies along the way. First, I learned about the program expectations. That’s when I discovered that after leaving Tennessee, the Silver Rose would continue on its way to Texas, ultimately being handed over to our Mexican brothers who, in turn, would take it to Monterey, Mexico for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. At that time, I thought about how incredible it would be to witness that exchange but quickly dispelled that thought as being beyond the realm of possibility, even telling myself “that will never happen.”

And yet, on December 11, 2024, I found myself, as a representative of the Supreme Council, standing on the International Bridge exchanging the Silver Rose with Mexico. Imagine if I had said “no” all those years ago, using my work, young family or even my council responsibilities as an excuse!

Let us be mindful that the seasons of Advent and Christmas are Seasons of “Yes.” First was Mary’s “yes” to God’s plan for salvation. Second was St. Juan Diego (though initially reluctant) giving his “yes” to our Lady’s pleas. Both yesses led them to Sainthood. Where will yours lead you?

Maybe in the coming year, God will ask for your “yes.” At that moment, you may not realize it’s God who is asking or that you are being called to serve the Order and the Church for the greater glory of God. None of us can know in that moment what is in store for our lives when we make a gift of ourselves to a world in need.

Happy New Year! Keep doing all the amazing things you do as Sir Knights! Only two more months to our 125th Fourth Degree Anniversary! Don’t wait! Tickets are going fast! Just say “Yes!”

Maybe, it’ll prove to be providential!

Brother Knights, let us be open to saying yes in the upcoming year.

Vivat Jesus!